Northwest Georgetown February ANC Update
This is your Northwest Georgetown February ANC update!
It finally snowed again! It’s been several years since we’ve had significant accumulation. I hope everyone got out and enjoyed it while it lasted. We enjoyed hitting a few of our favorite sledding hills.
While I’m writing this, it’s a balmy 60 degrees out. And maybe that will spell the end of snow for the season. But hopefully not! And should we get more snow accumulation I wanted to remind everyone about how to approach keeping the sidewalks safe and open.
If you are able, DC law mandates that the sidewalk outside your house be cleared within 8 hours of the end of a snowfall. If you live on a corner lot, lucky you! But that also means you have to clear the whole sidewalk around your house, not just the front.
If you are unable to clear, there are several options. First, you can file for an exemption from the penalty with the city. Additionally, you can receive free snow clearing either from the city, Georgetown Village (if you are a member), or myself. I am looking for some additional volunteers to handle these requests, particularly towards the northern part of my district (i.e. up around 34th and Reservoir). Let me know if you want help clearing snow for the next fall or if you want to help out clearing!
Cannabis Store Developments
There are a few brief updates on cannabis stores that I want to share. First, the city has begun the process of licensing retail stores to become medical dispensaries. As I’ve explained before, although technically only selling medical marijuana, these new shops will in effect sell recreational cannabis. But, importantly, they will be regulated more like liquor stores than the complete absence of regulation that the current shops face. The ANC is in the process of negotiating its first settlement agreement with some of these shops and we hope to establish some strong conditions around how these shops will be run.
I expect about one or two of these shops to open in our neck of Georgetown, but I will be certain to make sure that none open too closely to Hardy, Jelleff or Volta.
As for the shops that refuse to seek a license (or are unable to seek one because of their location) the Council just passed a bill that would enable ABCA to enforce the law against unlicensed cannabis sales. Going forward, selling cannabis without a license (even using the “gifting” legal fiction) will be just as illegal as selling vodka or beer. I hope ABCA moves swiftly to shut down the unlicensed shops in Georgetown.
Volta Park
Unfortunately, construction on the Volta Park renovation has been delayed. It was originally scheduled to begin last fall. DPR has blamed extensive surveying requirements and tedious permitting for the delay. They are now forecasting a “late winter” start, with work completed mid-summer. Given the history of this project, I would not be surprised if further delays arise, but I look forward to getting some shovels in the ground as soon as possible.
On the topic of Volta Park, I will be seeking funds for repairs and improvements to the park in this year’s budget season. The playground in particular is in a shabby state with a dangerous sinkhole that is so old it may reach historic status before it finally gets fixed (I’m kidding, but only sort of). The ANC is currently drafting a letter outlining its budget requests and I will share it as soon as it’s finalized.
Quick News and Notes
Here are a few quick news and notes from around the neighborhood:
The ANC supported the proposal to bring a bikeshare station to 33rd and Wisconsin. I am hopeful it will get installed sometime this spring.
Two opportunities to help support Hyde-Addison: Buy a chicken pot pie in their Chicken Pot Pieathon (by February 5th) and buy a ticket to the annual gala in March.
The new Georgetown Hospital wing is finally open! Don’t go out of your way to need a hospital visit but you’ll surely enjoy the new building if you do need one!
What to look forward to around Georgetown in 2024.