Hello, and welcome to your Northwest Georgetown December ANC update! Happy holidays!
Leaf Collection
Before we get to winter, we need to clean up from the fall. And the city is still working through its annual leaf collection. The city is currently working through “zone c”, which includes east Georgetown. West Georgetown (i.e. homes west of Wisconsin Ave.) is in “zone d” and will be next. This is the first pass. There will be a second pass later.
When you receive notice that DPW is coming, the guidance is to pile the leaves out front. We received some mixed guidance on whether you could bag the leaves. If you have bagged them, it’s probably ok, but it’s probably safer to just pile them up.
If you have bagged garden waste that needs to be picked up, remember that you still need to place a request through 311. Due to it being leaf collection season, there is likely to be a delay between your request and the target pick up date. So it might help to plan ahead if you don’t want to keep the bags around.
Volta Park Update
Looking back to my update a year ago, I described the planned renovation for Volta Park. I was hopeful the work would get done last winter. Those hopes were dashed. Over and over again. Most recently I heard possibly a November start. That obviously didn’t happen. Repeated requests to DPW have received no firm answers, so I won’t make any promises to you when it might happen. Or, frankly, if it will happen. I’ve not heard any hints that the project was scotched, but obviously DC is facing a tight budget environment, so I would not be surprised if it delay is being driven by money concerns. If I finally hear anything concrete, or even semi-concrete, I will pass it on.
AT&T Construction
Two weeks ago, blocks around 33rd between Volta and Q were subject to a disruptive construction without much notice. The no parking signs covered several blocks around and listed a ridiculous 30 day time frame. As the work began, it was clear that it involved digging a new trench from (at least) Volta up to Q on 33rd. This was particularly galling since this stretch of road was only just paved last year.
I dug into the permit and learned that AT&T was behind it. They are apparently laying cable for some sort of a business internet service. This only makes the aggravation worse, honestly, since our freshly paved street is getting torn up for a private company to make a buck selling a service that residents aren’t even likely to be eligible for.
I lodged a complaint with DDOT, who acknowledged that this was against the stated policy of requiring utility work to be completed prior to a street getting repaved. Sometimes things go “through the cracks” was the literal explanation.
What’s additionally annoying is that as part of the work, crews leave dozens of spray painted lines across the sidewalk and street (see above). This is required to alert the crews to sewer and gas lines, but the paint lasts far longer than needed. And, if course, these sidewalks were only just redone also within the last couple years.
I understand that this work is going to continue up 33rd this week. It is also being done on the other side of Georgetown by Thomas Jefferson St. I have reached out to AT&T to try to get a clear idea how much more of this destructive and disruptive construction we can expect. I will pass on what I hear.
Quick Updates:
The historic City Tavern Club building has been sold to Cecchi Group which has committed to preserve the structure as an event venue.
The Barnes and Noble is open again after a ten year absence!
Call Your Mother obtained the zoning relief is needed to remain open at 35th and O St. However opponents are likely to appeal the decision, so there is more likely to come for that story.
And with that, I wish you happy holidays!